You did great. And I feel such a sense of vicarious pride in your accomplishments. You've written so compellingly from the start about matters that are hard to make thrilling sagas and yet you succeeded so brilliantly. And you chose the right people to pursue.

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Almost all of MSM are focusing on Ms. Gay's testimony in front of congress and completely ignoring her plagiarism. To see Harvard vote to keep her as president is yet another sign of how far the Ivies have fallen in stature.

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Great interview! You've been doing an amazing work and providing excellent service to academic integrity for a while now. It's great to see the recognition, which is certainly a silver lining in all of this regrettable mess.

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Congratulations on the appearance!

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Chin up. You did fine.

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Congrats, Karl. Keep up the good work and don't listen to the haters.

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Congratulations man!

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Here we are worrying about AI programs writing papers (and it’s a genuine concern) when we have people at allegedly prestigious universities not using proper citation. Ugh! Having written a few intense papers, I can see how some citations can be “missed” but someone on her position of power should be looked at with finer scrutiny.

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The first of many appearances, we hope! You were authentic, sincere, and best of all, you did not come across as angry at all, which can polarize people. Swain was also terrific.

These things can be learned. Watch people who you admire and figure out a few rules that would work for you.

Keep up the great work!

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If you look at your talking head (a natural thing to do) your eyes will appear to go down. Put a bright sticky note on your laptop so you know where to look, and even move the zoom screen so your face is unseen by you.

You did great. This is such an important story!

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Your work and the allegations were mentioned in the Crimson.

"The Crimson independently reviewed the published allegations. Though some are minor — consisting of passages that are similar or identical to Gay’s sources, lacking quotation marks but including citations — others are more substantial, including some paragraphs and sentences nearly identical to other work and lacking citations."


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Great research Karl. It appears many of those Gay plagiarized have no problem with it. Speaks to the cohesion (conspiracy?) of the left and their joint disregard for integrity when it can be used to support their agenda. Feels corrupt beyond repair. Just my opinion. 🤷‍♂️

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